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Plugins / Git Push

Git Push

by appleboy

Commit and push to an git repo via SSH

Use this plugin for commit and push an git repo. You will need to supply Drone / Woodpecker with a private SSH key or use the same credentials as the cloned repo to being able to push changes.

- name: push commit
  image: appleboy/drone-git-push
    branch: master
    remote: ssh://
    force: false
    commit: true

An example of pushing a branch back to the current repository:

- name: push commit
  image: appleboy/drone-git-push
    remote_name: origin
    branch: gh-pages
    local_ref: gh-pages

An example of specifying the path to a repo:

- name: push commit
  image: appleboy/drone-git-push
    remote_name: origin
    branch: gh-pages
    local_ref: gh-pages
    path: path/to/repo

Parameter Reference

setting description
ssh_key private SSH key for the remote machine (make sure it ends with a newline)
remote target remote repository (if blank, assume exists)
remote_name name of the remote to use locally (default "deploy")
branch target remote branch, defaults to master
local_branch local branch or ref to push (default "HEAD")
path path to git repo (if blank, assume current directory)
force force push using the --force flag, defaults to false
skip_verify skip verification of HTTPS certs, defaults to false
commit add and commit the contents of the repo before pushing, defaults to false
commit_message add a custom message for commit, if it is omitted, it will be [skip ci] Commit dirty state
empty_commit if you only want generate an empty commit, you can do it using this option
tag if you want to add a tag to the commit, you can do it using this option. You must also set followtags to true if you want the tag to be pushed to the remote
author_name the name to use for the author of the commit (if blank, assume push commiter name)
author_email the email address to use for the author of the commit (if blank, assume push commiter name)
followtags push with --follow-tags option
rebase pull --rebase before pushing